Glass Frogs
Have Translucent Skin


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Glass frogs are a fascinating group of amphibians known for their translucent skin, which allows you to see their internal organs. Here are some key points about these unique frogs: Translucent Skin: Glass frogs are most notable for the translucent skin on their underside, which reveals their internal organs, including the heart, liver, and digestive tract.
This transparency is thought to be a form of camouflage, helping them blend in with their surroundings and avoid predators.
Size and Appearance
Glass frogs are generally small, ranging from 1.2 to 3.0 inches (3 to 7.5 cm) in length. They typically have a green color on their dorsal side to blend in with foliage.
Geographic Range
These frogs are primarily found in Central and South America, inhabiting tropical rainforests from southern Mexico to Panama and in regions of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.
Preferred Habitat
They live near streams where they lay their eggs on leaves overhanging the water, ensuring the tadpoles can drop into the stream upon hatching.
Breeding Habits
Male glass frogs are known for their territorial calls to attract females and ward off rivals. After mating, females lay eggs on leaves, and the males often stay to guard the eggs until they hatch.
Parental Care
In some species, males exhibit significant parental care by protecting the eggs from predators and ensuring they remain moist.