Cricket Math:
How to Count Chirps and Estimate Temperature


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You can estimate the temperature by counting cricket chirps using a method known as Dolbear's Law, named after the scientist Amos Dolbear who first documented the relationship between temperature and the rate of cricket chirping in 1897.
This method works primarily with the snowy tree cricket (Oecanthus fultoni), which is known for its consistent chirping rate in relation to temperature. Here are the steps to estimate the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit using cricket chirps:
1. Count the Chirps: Count the number of chirps a cricket makes in 14 seconds.
2. Add 40: Add 40 to the number of chirps you counted.
3. Result: The sum will give you the approximate temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
Example: If a cricket chirps 30 times in 14 seconds: Temperature (°F)=30+40=70°FTemperature (°F)=30+40=70°F