Venus: One Day Outlasts Its Own Year!
Venus Spins So Slowly That One Day Lasts Longer Than Its Entire Trip Around the Sun


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Imagine you woke up on Venus one morning—if you could call it morning, that is. You grab your coffee (or whatever Venusians drink), and before you know it, you realize something astonishing: you're stuck in the longest day ever. In fact, you could finish breakfast, lunch, and dinner for months—and still, that same day would be going on.
Here’s the crazy part: Venus spins so slowly that one full day on the planet lasts longer than its entire trip around the Sun. To put it in Earth terms, Venus takes 243 Earth days to do a complete spin on its axis—that’s the length of one Venusian day. But it takes only about 225 Earth days to complete an orbit around the Sun—that’s one Venusian year. So, by the time Venus has made a complete lap around the Sun, it’s still just getting through its one very loooong day!
If you lived on Venus, you'd have a birthday before you could say "goodnight!" Forget about Monday to Friday—Venusians just have one really long Monday, and it might explain why Venus is such a hot-tempered, stormy place. I mean, wouldn't you be cranky if your day felt like it lasted forever?