Intriguing Facts About the Lives of History's Most Iconic Figures
Took to the Grave
How Poker Launched His Political Career
The Love Lives of Some of History's Most Infamous Figures
The Inventive Genius and Romantic Entanglements of Issac Singer
Hirohito's Curious Connection to Mickey
Fun Facts About Albert Einstein
The Man Behind the Pen and His Quirky Genius
And Was a Passionate Advocate for Cocaine
Popularized the Word "Hello"
Kept a Pet Bear at College
Had An Odd Sleeping Routine
Often Conducted Experiments on Himself
Did Everything in Multiples of 3
Ate Apples in the Bathtub While Brainstorming
And Wrote During the Night
Preferred To Walk Barefoot
Monet Folding Travel Umbtella
Jackson Pollock